Flawless Spiritual Insight
August 15, 2020
Happiness: Your Well-Being by LM Huggins
August 25, 2020It had been about ten years since I had seen Pastor Larry. From my childhood throughout my teen years, when he ministered in the church I grew up in, he made a significant impact on my life. I still remember his spiritual songs and his insightful teachings – and even the time when he laid hands on me, and I was slain in the spirit for hours. I vividly remember being on the floor as the Lord spoke to me and downloaded spiritual impartations that are still manifesting in my life today. So when my dad introduced me to Pastor Larry’s devotionals on FaceBook (FB), you bet I started listening! And besides, what else would someone want to do during a pandemic?
One evening while listening to Pastor Larry’s teaching, Where’s the mute button on your brain, he began to talk about ZChurch. He said, “We love the Holy Ghost at ZChurch: we pray in tongues, we prophesy, we minister to one another, we worship together, we see and are seen, we hear and are heard…and after the service, everyone gets to know one another – people all over the world: Nepal, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Japan – you name it.” Those words, I’m sorry, but sounded way too good to be true! All of this AND online?
I remember him talking about Zchurch in his other devotionals, but this evening my spirit was jumping for joy to be a part of it! I had been thinking about joining and helping Zchurch for a few weeks – but now I could no longer ignore it! I NEEDED to be a part of what God was doing! Before I knew it, I was meeting with Pastor Larry on Zoom and becoming a part of the Zchurch team, also known as Zteam! It didn’t take long for me to realize that this divine Holy Ghost connection was also an answer to years of prayer. During a pandemic where no one could physically see one another, God answered my prayer in a way I never expected!
As you’re reading this, maybe the Holy Spirit is prompting YOU! Perhaps God has been speaking to you about joining the Zteam – and just like me, you want to wait a little longer to “make sure it’s God,” because you know, another commitment – yikes! NO! Yikes, if it’s NOT God. If you are a born again believer, then you know that His sheep hear and know His voice! ZChurch could be the answer to your prayers: new opportunities for you, the encouragement you need. Whatever your heart’s desire, know that God has incredible things in store for you – more than you could ever ask or imagine! When you join the Zteam, you will become a part of a team with some of the most loving, gracious, joyful, welcoming, encouraging, faith-filled, and Christ-like believers you’ll ever meet. So, don’t wait, obey God – because you never know what He will do!

Katherine Ryan is a vital member of ZChurch and the ZTeam. She contributes to the ZTeam as an author, social media influencer, and worship leader.
1 Comment
Thank you Katherine for sharing your story. It’s a beautiful story of God doing a beautiful work in the heart of a beautiful person who is truly devoted to Him.