Your giving unto God through this ministry expands the Kingdom of God, magnifies the name of God, and establishes the rule of Christ in the earth. Furthermore, your tithe and offerings enable us to fulfill the divine commission and proclaim Christ's saving and keeping power to people everywhere.
It is our honor and our sacerdotal duty to dedicate your gifts and to sanctify them through prayer with thanksgiving, and to offer them to God as a sweet-smelling and acceptable sacrifice.
5 Ways to Give
You can securely make a one time donation with here.
You don't have to log in/sign up to give. You can give an offering, you can tithe and you can set up reoccurring donations. You have options.
Here is an FAQ page if you have questions.
You can download the App on your phone.
ZChurch is found under Commonwealth of Christ / ZChurch in the search bar.
You can text-to-give.

You can give through PayPal.
You can give by check
Please make all checks payable to: The Commonwealth of Christ.
Mail to:
Larry Huggins
Commonwealth of Christ, Inc.
5655 Silver Creek Valley Rd., Unit #106
San Jose, CA 95138