Welcome to ZCHURCH! We're an online interactive international church community, founded by Pastors Larry and Loretta Huggins, living in different countries but united through the Holy Spirit and our love for Christ and people.

All are welcome, and we believe YOU have a place at ZChurch. A place where you can hear & be heard, see and be seen, love and be loved.

Who are we? We’re an oasis of love and a refuge free of political and sectarian debate. Our purpose is to uplift Jesus, to share the Good News, and to serve God and the expansion of His Kingdom.

Please fill out this form to be placed on our mailing list. You will receive information on how to join our services and a Welcome message from our pastors.

    I am interested in getting information about the Zoom services

    I am committing my life to Christ for the first time

    I am recommitting my life to Christ

    I am interested in church membership

    I am interested in volunteering for the ZTeam

    Please contact me for additional follow-up