Whose Identity Are You Operating In
September 6, 2022Do Everything In Jesus Identity
September 7, 2022David was anointed as a very young man, chosen by God to be king. God told Samuel not to look at the appearance or the height of a man. “The Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Sam. 16:7 Amplified Bible)
Far too many people are successful in life based solely on their looks or charisma, but that’s not how God operates. He knows what your motives are and whether you are willing to walk in obedience to Him.
Often the things God will ask you to do aren’t going to make you popular with people. That’s when you have to make a quality decision to go the way God is going.
“Preach the word; …be ready when the time is right and even when it is not. (keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome); correct those who err in doctrine or behavior, warn those who sin, exhort, and encourage with patience and faithful teaching. “ (2 Tim. 4:2)
If you’re going to work for the Lord, it’s gonna take some stamina and confidence in God’s love for you in the face of opposition.
Leadership 101 basics, if you’re not going to do it God’s way, why are you doing it at all? “He who speaks on His own authority seeks to win honor for himself.” (John 7:18) That means; you got it on your own; you didn’t hear it from God. It’s your thinking, not His. You’re just trying to make yourself look good, not God. If you find yourself looking for the approval of man, not God, you are on the wrong trail.
Just repent, and get back on the right road, being a leader that leads, not one that follows. 😊

As an artist, I consider myself to be a barefoot, backwoods, country artist. As a writer, I often wax nostalgic with a Huckleberry Finn style of text. As a minister, my friends call me “preacher woman.” But most important of all, God calls me – His!
1 Comment
Oooh preacher lady! That is good and straight to the point!