It’s Up to You to Decide, Part One by Loretta Huggins
July 13, 2023Ztrio I
July 13, 2023Christine Smith, Leader of ZChurch Women’s Outreach, and ZChurch’s Associate Pastor Sharon Stark shared the message titled “God Will Supply” at our last ZWO gathering in June. Cynthia Davis ministered the Scripture Spotlight. We invite you to join us on the last Thursday of each month at 9 am Pacific Time for a time of refreshing, teaching, and fellowship. You can find the Zoom link here: https://zchurch.life/small-groups/

As an artist, Christine considers herself to be a barefoot, backwoods, country artist. As a writer, she often waxes nostalgic with a Huckleberry Finn style of text. As a minister, her friends call her “preacher woman.” But most important of all, God calls her – His!

Sharon Stark is a wife, mother, and believer. A member of the ZTeam, Sharon has co-pastored, assisted in pioneer works, and ministered in Africa and Mexico on short-term mission trips. She enjoys praying, singing, writing, painting, and learning something new every day.