The God of All Grace
July 13, 2024El Dios de toda gracia
July 18, 2024Exposing Satan’s Tactics, Part Two – He’s a Con
2 Corinthians 2:11 “lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
A few years ago, I observed social and political affairs that seemed to be getting worse fast, with new evils popping up quicker than what Christians could pray and fight to put them down. It occurred to me (by the Spirit, I believe) that this was not necessarily proof of the devil getting bigger and stronger. I believe these are just as likely – or much more likely – the devil kicking up a cloud of dust to distract us lest we notice that his kingdom’s con on humanity is unraveling and hanging by a thread.
God’s Word that has gone forth out of His mouth is accomplishing what He pleases and prospering in what He sent it to do (Isaiah 55:11). The devil can’t stop it, so he’s resorted to kicking up dust, shouting in our faces, and demanding that we believe he’s really getting bigger and stronger. But if we were to pull back the curtain and peer into the spirit realm, I believe we would see God’s words of truth piercing the darkness of this world, bringing light, and unraveling Satan’s con.
Recently, I’ve noticed a similar phenomenon here in ZChurch, with an increase of prayer requests for an illness here, another there, then the first person having some other situation, etc. The natural mind is tempted to think, “Oh no, our prayers aren’t working,” or “The devil is working overtime, so we’ll have to pray overtime.” Frankly, the devil doesn’t care how much we pray so long as we’re praying in fear – fear that our first prayers didn’t work or fear that we’re not using enough faith so we have to double down. So long as fear is in the equation, our prayers will be pointless.
It’s Satan kicking up a cloud of dust, trying to obscure the fact that Jesus has already won the victory. The devil is trying to make us think we still have to come out and fight him to get what Jesus already got. He’s trying to engage us in fighting a defeated foe. It reminds me of the Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail – a knight with no arms or legs insisting he still isn’t defeated and that we have to come back and fight him.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray over people and their situations. However, let’s make sure we’re not letting the devil push our buttons and get us to respond from fear. If Satan can get us to respond in fear, he’s just neutralized all our efforts.
In Luke 8:50, after Jairus received the news that his daughter had died, Jesus’ first instruction to him was, “fear not.” The second was “believe only.” Believing is important but will be corrupted and rendered ineffective if fear is not stopped first.
Satan doesn’t care how much we pray so long as he can keep his hook of fear in us, convincing us we have to come out and fight him for the victory Jesus already won.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray. I’m saying that before we pray, we would do well to remind ourselves that Satan was defeated at the cross 2000 years ago and that Jesus got the victory and has given it to us. Instead of letting the devil egg you into fighting him for what is already yours in Christ, just go to shouting and praising God until there’s no room left for fear.
The devil’s con is hanging by a thread, and fear is the single thread he has left. When you cut that thread of fear, you’re on your way to victory.

Robert Peck lives in Spokane Valley, Washington. As a Christian man who finds himself compelled to take a stand in the civil arena, Bob has served in political campaigns, promoted Constitutional education in the community, provides technical assistance to various Constitutional causes, and also manages to write the occasional article. He is an elder in ZChurch and a tech leader on the ZTeam.