You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody
August 24, 2024
The Gift by Sharon Stark
August 30, 2024What Are Power Confessions?
Power Confessions are bold statements you make in the present tense, declaring what you want as if it’s already yours. These aren’t just hopeful wishes—they’re commands that align your thoughts and actions with your goals.
The Power of Your Words
Your words carry serious weight. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” What you say can either build you up or tear you down, so speak life into your situation.
Let’s fix some common phrases:
- “I’m going to get healed or die trying.” – Full of doubt and negativity.
- “I’ll get my healing one day.” – Pushes your healing off into the future.
- “I’ll be wealthy one day.” – Delays your success.
Instead, claim it now:
- “Healing is mine. I have it now.”
- “Wealth is mine. I have it now.”
- “Favor is mine. I have it now.”
Ask or Command? Be Clear
The Bible shows us the power of speaking with authority. Isaiah 45:11 says, “Ask me of things to come… command ye me.” God responds to clear, confident words.
Jesus did this in Matthew 4:1-10 when tempted by Satan:
- Satan: “Turn these stones into bread.”
- Jesus: “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone.”
- Satan: “Jump off this temple.”
- Jesus: “It is written, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”
- Satan: “Worship me, and I’ll give you these kingdoms.”
- Jesus: “Get away from me, Satan! You shall worship the Lord your God.”
Eight Important Tips for Effective Confessions
- Speak Actively: Be assertive.
- Use Present Tense: Talk like it’s already happening.
- Be Clear: Avoid vague language.
- Stay Positive: Focus on what you want.
- Be Consistent: Repeat your confessions regularly.
- Visualize: Picture your desired outcome.
- Align with Truth: Make sure your words line up with God’s Word.
- Be Honest: Trust your own words.
Wrong: “I will be successful one day.”
Right: “I am successful now.”
How to Handle Uncertainty with Confidence
If you don’t know an answer, don’t say, “I don’t know.” Instead, say, “I’ll find out and get back to you.”
Do This if You Want a More Powerful Confession:
- Make it clear
- Make it now
- Make it strong
By using Power Confessions, you’re not just speaking into the air—you’re shaping your reality. Speak boldly, and watch your life change.
As always, your comments or questions are welcome.
Artwork generated by Larry Huggins.

Larry Huggins is a father, a husband, a pastor and a missionary, an author, and a broadcaster. He has traveled to scores of nations, planting churches and bible schools, and conducting seminars and evangelistic crusades.