Join Pastors Larry and Loretta Huggins and the ZTeam for a live, two-hour Miracle Service. Send us your prayer request and we will pray for you and help you receive your miracle: health, family, finances… anything. Invite your friends and family.
Signup to stay informed
Send us your "Miracles Now" prayer request

How to Receive and Keep Your Miracle
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Stay tuned...
After you sign up using the form at the top of this page, we will add you to our newsletter and keep you updated as the event draws closer. Meanwhile, please join us on our online ZChurch platform for our Saturday Services at 10:00 AM PST and stay for our Afterglow fellowship, where we get to know one another by sharing insights we gleaned from the service.

Stay in touch
Feel free to visit our online community, ZChurch.life; check out our past services, blogs, and prayer wall. We warmly welcome you to participate and be a part of the ZChurch community. ZChurch is a bible-based, international fellowship of believers in Christ, founded by Pastors Larry and Loretta Huggins. Zchurch is a Global gathering of Christians and those interested in knowing about Jesus; is an oasis of love and a refuge free of political and sectarian debate. Our purpose is to share Jesus, to share the Good News, and to serve in the expansion of His Kingdom. It is a place where people can serve God and be trained and empowered for ministry.
If you have trouble signing up using the form at the top of this page, or have more questions, feel free to email us at info@zchurch.life