A New Look at the Authority of the Believer By Dr. Bill Dennington
September 1, 2020
BE A BIG THINKER by Loretta Huggins
September 4, 2020The earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working.] James 5:16b (AMP)
My Experience at Rhema
I walked into class at Rhema one day. Dad Hagin had been teaching on prayer and demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit during this series. There he was, on stage, kneeling at a metal brown folding chair, praying in tongues, and singing in the Spirit. What I saw significantly impacted me as I began to know my desired place as never before. Truly, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is “caught” as well as “taught.”
Divine Connections
Fast forward to March 2020, just five short months ago, when from halfway across the world, (who wudda thunk!?) Ambassador Larry obeyed the call of God and came to a mid-sized town in Central Valley, California, to hold meetings. My eyes were directed as I scrolled through social media and saw the announcement. A far-too-long lull in my spiritual journey, and hunger for something more, although I couldn’t put my finger on it, mandated I must attend. Great meeting. Now what?
The next week, again, while scrolling through social media (I don’t spend as much time on there now), I saw Pastor Larry’s invitation for volunteers to help start an online church, Zchurch. My spirit was stirred, so I answered.
I can see God is really into divine connections. He knows our deep longings far better than we do, and His great compassionate heart longs to refresh and fulfill us as we follow Him.
Enriched Life
Since this reconnection with Pastor Huggins’ ministry, I have been enriched with a whole new group of friends. They are powerful pray-ers who know their place in the righteousness of God in Christ. Great things happen when we pray together!
If you would like prayer, please contact us on our website, https://zchurch.life/. Our team will be happy to pray for you.

Terri Branham is a wife and mother of two. She lives in the Central Valley, California. She attended Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in 1977-78. She is a member of Zchurch and a prayer leader on the Zteam.