Jesus is Able to Prepare a Table for You
December 22, 2021To Every Thing There is a Season
January 1, 2022‘Twas the night before Christmas eve and all through the store
No carts were available not even one more
The last item I wanted just was not present
So instead I looked around, long lines are not too pleasant
I decided to leave when I came upon a shopper
Whose arms were loaded full, nothing was going to stop her!
“Here, take my cart; I don’t need it!” I cried;
“But I just need one more thing,” she replied
Item upon item, becoming more burdened down
Not accepting my offer to make it much easier to move around
So here’s the little lesson I hope you’ll receive,
Let Jesus be your burden-bearer, simply just believe!

Terri Branham is a wife and mother of two. She lives in California’s Central Valley. Terri attended Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in 1977-78. She is the Prayer Leader for ZChurch.
Perfect picture of frantic humanity too preoccupied to hear the Master’s offer to be their burden-bearer and experience peace in the midst of the storm. ❤
thank you Cindy!
Now when I am holding on to things, feeling the weight, I will see myself in the store like this woman. Right now- accepting the basket. Thank you!!!