Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part 13 by Larry Huggins
April 2, 2022The Pact of Protection
April 9, 2022A few years ago, I had a conversation with an acquaintance who was both a faithful believer in The Good Lord and a college student who would soon be entering the workforce. She openly spreads God’s Word in her unique way, always giving The Good Lord credit where credit is due through her powerful testimony of beating drug addiction and overcoming being sexually molested as a child. She was doing exceptionally well socially and excelling in her studies, so we talked about her plans for landing her first job.
I said, “You’re almost done with school, so what are your plans going forward?”
She said, “Landing the first job is always the hardest in this field, so thankfully, I have an internship lined up with a friend who owns her own company.”
I said, “Praise God! That is a tremendous blessing.”
She said, “This friend of mine helped my other friend who just got out of school by helping her write her resume.”
I said, “That’s great. What do you mean by helping her write her resume?”
She continued, “Well, she wrote that my friend had all these skills and experience to make her look better. My friend landed an amazing job after the writing of this new resume.”
I gently asked, “Did your friend have the skills and experience written on the resume?”
She quietly said, “No.”
I said gently, “I hope that you don’t allow your friend to write a resume like that for you.”
With a hint of timidity, she asked, “Why not?”
I said, “You have a powerful testimony because The Good Lord brought you through it all. Can we agree on that?”
She said, “Yes. Of course.”
I continued, “When you share your testimony with others, you are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ- which essentially makes you a teacher of the Gospel whether you like it or not. So the Good Lord’s Word says in the book of James:
“My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.”
James 3:1 NKJV
Because I write about The Good Lord, I am also considered a teacher, which means that you and I are held accountable to God’s stricter standard. Therefore, if you were to allow your friend to write false things about you on your resume, you would weaken your testimony and be seen by The Good Lord as a stumbling block for your friend and visa versa.”
She nodded and asked, “I hear you, but what do you mean by stumbling block?”
I explained, “To be a stumbling block is to cause someone to stumble in their walk with The Good Lord. In this instance, both of you would be stumbling blocks for each other because you are making a pact to falsify your experience and skill level. Remember that The Good Lord’s Word says:
“We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path so that our ministry will not be discredited.”
2 Corinthians 6:3 NIV
She solemnly said, “Hmm. I never thought about it that way. I was just so excited about gaining an advantage in this tough job market.”
I said, “The Good Lord loves you with all His Heart, and He has brought you through your own personal hell. This tough job market is a tiny one-inch hurdle compared to what you have cleared with The Lord. I encourage you to trust in Him through the whole process. I want you to experience the full power and glory of His Vision for you, but that will only happen if you stay obedient to His Word. It’s okay for your friend to help you with your resume. Just make sure that everything that she writes about you is the truth. Amen?”
She smiled and said, “Amen!”
Since that talk a few years ago, I am ecstatic to report that my friend now has a fabulous new job, married the love of her life, had a baby, and bought a new house. The Good Lord has continued to rain down blessings upon her and her family because He is The Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

JP Quianzon is the President of the ASD Climber Foundation. He is an American businessman with a passion for serving others and witnessing for Jesus Christ.