La Asombrosa Palabra de Conocimiento
July 27, 2023Cross Out Miracle Service
July 29, 2023PROVERBS: GPS to a Better Life
Blog #9b, Part Two of a two-part blog series
In response to the repeated rejection, Wisdom’s words in verses 24 to 32 turn dark, filled with doom and gloom. Perhaps the reason for this is the philosophy of “pain and pleasure” motivation: the idea that human behavior is primarily driven by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. Too often, people are more motivated to avoid pain than to pursue pleasant benefits.
Thus, Wisdom gives a strong argument to avoid pain: “Because you have ignored my counsel and refused to listen to my reproof, you will face disaster. I will laugh at your calamity and mock when terror overtakes you.” If you have an aversion to pain, as I do, then those last two sentences are a major attention-getter!
As far as I am concerned, choosing to listen and obey Wisdom is the best choice to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It is important to point out that listening to wisdom does not exclude anyone from having disappointments in life; however, it does give us the assured hope that God will deliver us out of all afflictions – regardless of how overwhelming they may seem. Let us decide to listen to the voice of Wisdom so that we may live the life we truly deserve in Christ.
Questions for discussion:
1) Pain versus Pleasure: do you dare divulge what motivates you?
2) If yes, please share what motivates you?
3) Based on your answer to question #2, why does it motivate you?
4) What do you think should change, if anything, about what motivates you?

Loretta Huggins, born and raised in San Francisco, CA, has served in the ministry with her husband, Larry Huggins since 1989: administrator, hostess, event planner, and teacher. She has traveled to eighteen countries. She is the co-founder and co-pastor of ZChurch.