You've Been Reading 3 John the Wrong Way
By Pastor Larry Huggins
In a world where prosperity is misunderstood, one letter from the apostle John stands as a beacon of truth. 3 John delivers a powerful revelation on generosity, faith, and the role of sound doctrine in a believer's life.
The Sound Doctrine of Biblical Prosperity explores three pivotal characters in the early church and the consequences of their decisions when confronted with a critical question: Does God really want us to prosper?
At the heart of this story is Gaius, whose wealth and generosity serve God's mission. Gaius was wealthy, as shown by his financial support for missionaries, sending them on their way with additional aid. His commitment to truth and open-handed generosity make him a champion of God's mission. Gaius doesn't hoard wealth—he uses it for kingdom purposes.
But every hero has an enemy. Here, it's Diotrephes, a power- hungry, self-appointed church leader who refuses to support the gospel workers and stops others from doing so. His thirst for control leads him to oppose truth, block generosity, and push the church into conflict. Can one man's selfish ambition derail the mission of the Gospel?
Enter Demetrius, the unsung hero with an impeccable reputation for walking in truth. His integrity, generosity, and steadfast support stand in stark contrast to Diotrephes's divisive ways. With John the Elder leading from a distance, these men wage a battle that cuts to the heart of prosperity and truth.
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