How God Led Me to ZChurch by Katherine Ryan
August 24, 2020
Take The Cure for the Coronavirus, Part One By Robert W. Peck
August 27, 2020“Those who look to [GOD] for help will be radiant with joy;” Psalms 34:5
HAPPINESS! “…to be, or not to be…,” to borrow from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Countless persons have agonized over how to be truly happy in life. In the quest for happiness, some people believe that they can control life, that is, family, economics, politics, and even other people, by the power of their words: therein lies their happiness. And other people believe the extreme opposite, that is, “Que sera, sera” – the future is set and cannot be changed. Even so, the beliefs of most people fall somewhere in between the two extreme views. What is my position? I believe in the power of a good confession. Yet, I know that some things in life are beyond anyone’s control. Nevertheless, we, all, can affect positive change in the “world” we live in by our core-beliefs that control our level of happiness.
Only one month and three days passed the half-way mark of this year, 2020, and what we, the world population, have experienced in the past six months is unprecedented. Seven and a half months ago, who would have believed that an issue with bats and pangolins in a part of the world that most people did not know existed could bring humanity to a “screeching halt”? Within days our liberties were snatched away: going to the grocery store, socializing with family and friends, and other everyday activities became criminal acts in the corona-virus lockdown. Worldwide, people began to lose their happiness.
There is no judgment here because we, all, are affected by the happenstances in our lives. The words happen, and happiness are from the root hap, which is a blend of Old Norse and Old English: meaning chance or occurrence. Unfortunately, the happiness of most people is dependent on what is happening in their lives. We need a deep-core belief that controls our focus to maintain the well-being of happiness. Please do not misquote me – my argument is not that we should never have sad moments in our lives because we will have those moments. For instance, in 2004, my mother died, and sixteen years later, I still have moments of tearful sadness – I miss her. Yet, my core belief is that I will see her again – and my heart is joyous.
Here are some eternal happenstances that you can focus on to control your happiness:
- It happened – God so loved you that He gave His only Begotten Son.
- It happened – Christ identified with you completely and paid your entire debt.
- It happened – Christ came to give you abundant life.
- It happened – Christ overcame the world to make you a conqueror
- It happened – God’s grace saved – prospered, rescued, healed – you
If you focus on what has happened to you In Christ, your happiness will inevitably increase.

Loretta Huggins, born and raised in San Francisco, CA, has served in the ministry with her husband, Larry Huggins, since 1989: administrator, hostess, event planner, and teacher. She has traveled to eighteen countries.