Cavernous Splendor by Loretta Huggins
September 13, 2020Honey From the Rock 17 – Your Citizenship Rights
September 13, 2020Z is for Zoe – the Life of God
- Z in the Roman alphabet, Zeta, the last letter, symbolizes newness and life
- Z in the Hebrew alphabet, Zayin, is the seventh letter, symbolizes: the Sabbath, a sword, rest, harmony between spirit and work, movement, new beginnings, and creativity (everything we want ZChurch to be)
Z is for the Z Generation
Generation Z is post-millennials born between 1995 and later. By 2020 the Z Generation will comprise 30% of the population. They are our new mission field.
Generation Z is the most connected to their global peers. 92% of Generation Z has a digital footprint. They rely upon and are almost addicted to the Internet. They want things fast. If they can’t find something in a few clicks, they quickly move on.
Generation Z contributes $44 Billion to the US economy. They shop online, and they follow celebrities and favorite brands. If they are not appreciated by the brands they follow, then they quickly move on.
They value diversity, individuality, and integrity. They are unlikely to attend a traditional church – hence, ZChurch!
From A To Z
ZChurch is for all generations.

Larry Huggins is a father, a husband, a pastor and a missionary, an author and a broadcaster. He has traveled to scores of nations, planting churches and bible schools, and conducting seminars and evangelistic crusades.