Codex Rex series – Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part 11
March 16, 2022
Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part Nine by Larry Huggins
March 18, 2022I recently found out that a brother of mine in Christ passed away a few weeks ago. His name was Joel, and he was a quiet, humble, hardworking family man from Mexico. I worked with him for almost seven years, seeing him multiple times a day, five days a week. Every time we would pass each other in the hallway or see each other in the break room or men’s locker room, he would clench his fist, point to the sky, and say in a thick Spanish accent, “Never forget, unicamente solo Dios (there is only one God)!” I would always respond with an enthusiastic “Unicamente!” or sing a short verse from a church hymn. After doing so, he would always say, “Thank you, brother. I am ready for mucho trabajo now!” When I look back at the impact these daily interactions had on both our lives, I reflect on what The Good Lord’s Word says:
“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Proverbs 27:17 NKJV
The Good Lord perfectly places people in our paths to sharpen and refresh us throughout our day. If you’re blessed to have a Joel in your life, I encourage you to lift up a mighty praise of thanks to The Lord and maybe even tell this person how much you appreciate them. God bless Joel and his family. He will be missed, but I know we will see him again. Never forget, unicamente!!

JP Quianzon is the President of the ASD Climber Foundation. He is an American businessman with a passion for serving others and witnessing for Jesus Christ.
1 Comment
What an inspiring vignette from your life Joseph! It is so true that God places people in our life to stir us on in the faith. Just yesterday a total stranger ministered to me as his car slowly passed me after I had pulled my car off to the side of the road. I was taking pictures of a drove (?) of deer resting on the lawn at the campus of Notre Dame de Namur in Belmont, CA where my daughter works. The driver just smiled at me and commented on the peaceful scene but it was all that was needed to lift my spirits after a difficult day. God was there in that brief but kindly exchange to let me know He cared. He is so faithful!