Diversity of Gifts
September 24, 2023Greater Than Your Wildest Dreams
September 30, 2023PROVERBS: GPS to a BETTER LIFE
Blog #12b
Bread of Life. Part Two
“Reading is a staple of life like bread or water. Or chocolate.”
– Rhett MacPherson
It is important to note that seeking God’s wisdom is not enough. We must also apply it to our lives as instructed in James 1:22, “Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let his Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life!” (TPT). In fact, just reading the Bible or attending church service, although very important, isn’t enough to transform our lives; we must act on and apply God’s Word to our daily lives to experience the transforming power of God.
Living a life rooted in God’s word is not always easy. (If it were easy, then there would be no mishaps in our lives.) The reality is we will face challenges and temptations in our lives. As Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Let’s face it: a challenge is a difficulty or obstacle that forces us out of our comfort zone – requiring us to reevaluate our thoughts, attitudes, and so forth. And temptations? Well, unless there is a possible chance that we would succumb to the temptation, then it is not a temptation. In other words, temptation is a desire or urge to do something that is wrong, harmful, or against good moral principles. For example, the desire to have an extra-marital affair. Or giving in to an addictive behavior, including being verbally, mentally, or physically abusive. Simply stated, temptation is when our character and self-discipline are tested: do we resist or give in?
Before I conclude this blog, I will share a comical moment in my life regarding chocolate. Some time ago, while traveling about 65mph (that’s debatable) going south on US Highway 101, the following conversation transpired between Siri and me:
[Me] “Hey Siri, driving directions to (and I gave the address)”
[Siri] “Where would you like to go?”
[Me] I repeated the address.
[Siri] “I cannot give you driving directions to Germany.”
[Me] “Hey Siri, end navigation and give me directions to (I repeated the address)”
[Siri] “It seems we’re not navigating anywhere. If you want directions… (Siri then proceeds to give me directions on how to request directions.)
Note: I am still traveling at highway speeds and unsure where I am going.
[Me] After several more minutes of “back and forth” with Siri, out of frustration, I yelled, “HEY SIRI, YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY USELESS!”
[Siri] calmly responded, “For that emotion, I recommend chocolate.”
Well, I must admit that at that moment, I saw a Starbucks sign and immediately exited the highway. After purchasing a grande-latte and a chocolate brownie, I quietly sat in my vehicle and followed Siri’s instructions on how to ask for driving directions, and Siri responded appropriately. Bread and water – even chocolate – may be important staples in life; however, they are not the most essential life-sustaining factors in our lives. The most important staple of life is God’s words because they are life and health to our spirits, souls, and bodies.
Questions for Discussion:
1. What does James 1:22 instruct believers to do with God’s wisdom?
2. How have you applied Proverbs 2:6 and James 1:22 to your life and the life of your family?
3. What are your thoughts on defining the words “challenges” and “temptations?”
4. Do you have examples to share regarding your experiences with challenges and temptation?

Loretta Huggins, born and raised in San Francisco, CA, has served in the ministry with her husband, Larry Huggins since 1989: administrator, hostess, event planner, and teacher. She has traveled to eighteen countries. She is the co-founder and co-pastor of ZChurch.