Liberando Su Potencial: Dominando el arte de maximizar el éxito y minimizar el fracaso
May 25, 2023Enter His Gates…for Life!
May 27, 2023Dr. Ed Dufrense taught me the importance of focusing on the calling of God. He prioritized his prophetic ministry.
Ed and I became acquainted in 1978. Throughout the years, we had the privilege of ministering together many times. Besides the obvious similarity of standing in the Prophet’s office, there were other parallels. Ed once told me, “When people ask me who I flow with, I say Larry Huggins.” That was a high compliment, wasn’t it?
Here’s another similarity: Ed and I had to fight hell to keep our ministries. We both went through major battles. As Ed said more than once, “People were surprised when you and I didn’t fail. They expected us to fail (some wanted us to fail), but we didn’t. We’ve got to keep going. The world needs our ministries.”
During the time when friends were hard to find, Ed was a loyal friend. Ed encouraged me to be faithful to the prophet’s ministry.
I don’t know why, but it seems that people who are not called to the prophet’s ministry want to be prophets; while true, God-called prophets are usually reluctant to flow in the prophet’s ministry. Perhaps that’s because we understand the great responsibilities that come with the calling.
Ed admitted that God dealt with him about his disobedience to walk in his prophetic calling on more than one occasion. In fact, more than once, Jesus appeared to Ed and rebuked him for holding back. Now that’s something most people wouldn’t want to share. But Ed was different. He felt he could help other prophets if he shared what he was going through.
Although Ed is now in heaven, his legacy lives on. His counsel and example speak to me today. I remain committed to honoring the office. As the Apostle Paul said, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.
I am accepting invitations to bring the prophet’s ministry to your community.
He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward (Mat 10:41).

Larry Huggins is a father, a husband, a pastor and a missionary, an author, and a broadcaster. He has traveled to scores of nations, planting churches and bible schools, and conducting seminars and evangelistic crusades.
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Absolutely love this