Cómo acercarse a Dios
August 31, 2023Pastor Larry’s Jubilee Anniversary
September 2, 2023PROVERBS: GPS to a BETTER LIFE
Blog #12a
Bread of Life, Part One
“Reading is a staple of life like bread or water. Or chocolate.”
– Rhett MacPherson
While the comparison of reading to bread and water is not new, MacPherson’s addition of chocolate adds a humorous twist to it. And I find this quote to be true in my life. Reading is an important part of my life. Even more than reading, water is crucial to my daily routine, as I drink at least 64 ounces daily. I relish the experience of indulging in warm, fresh bread dripping with olive oil or drenched in herbal butter. As for chocolate, well, let’s just say that my love for it deserves a blog post of its own.
Water, bread, and chocolate are essential for my physical needs but are not the most important things that sustain me. Whether you like chocolate or whether you do not like chocolate, bread and water are critical staples in your life, too. Yet, the most important staple of life is God’s Word. The Bible reminds us of this truth in various passages, including Proverbs 4:22, which reads, “For they [God’s Words] are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”
In John 6:63, Jesus Christ says, “…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” In other words, God’s words are not just a collection of letters and stories. God’s words are a living force that has the power to transform our lives: “For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]” (Hebrews 4:12 AMP). Remember that Jesus’ words are God’s words: “…The Father did not send me to speak my own revelation, but the words of my Father” (John 14:24 TPT).
Living a better life starts with seeking God’s wisdom and guidance. Proverbs 2:6 reminds us that “the Lord gives wisdom; out of his mouth [a continuous flow] of knowledge and understanding. When we seek wisdom from God, we demonstrate humility and recognize our limitations. We acknowledge that we do not have answers to situations that arise in our lives. If Christ Jesus needed the wisdom of God to live on this earth, how much more do we need God’s guidance to live a meaningful life?
Question for Discussion:
1. How can seeking wisdom from God and recognizing the power of His living words contribute to making the world a better place for all inhabitants of the earth?
2. Share an incident when you wanted to eat “comfort food,” such as chocolate, cake, or ice cream, but you chose to resist the urge or at least supplemented the comfort foods with God’s word.

Loretta Huggins, born and raised in San Francisco, CA, has served in the ministry with her husband, Larry Huggins since 1989: administrator, hostess, event planner, and teacher. She has traveled to eighteen countries. She is the co-founder and co-pastor of ZChurch.