Unsinkable Faith
July 6, 2024Fe insumergible
July 11, 2024Exposing Satan’s Tactics, Part One – He’s a Liar
2 Corinthians 2:11 “lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
I once had the benefit of spending a few years of my life in the world around worldly, lying, deceiving, manipulating, scheming, scamming, con artist-type people. I call it a benefit not because there was anything good about it but because later in life, as I grew in spiritual understanding, the Lord used those experiences as an object lesson for exposing Satan’s methods of operation.
Jesus taught us that Satan’s progeny will unavoidably manifest his own attributes.
John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
One thing I learned about liars is that they never admit when they’ve been caught. Drug addicts, career criminals, and politicians too – anyone who turns themselves over to a lifestyle of lies – becomes incapable of acknowledging the truth short of a dramatic salvation experience.
When a liar or conman is confronted and questioned, rather than confessing their lies, they just double down, telling new lies to cover the old ones or telling more lies to buttress the existing ones. When someone comes on the scene telling the truth that exposes the lies, the liar simply says that the truth-teller is lying about the liar and that the liar is really the one telling the truth.
When a liar really gets exposed, their con starts to unravel, and they’ve run out of new angles; they simply get more demonstrative. They might curse, get violent, or get in your face, shouting and demanding, “You just have to believe me!” Effectively, what they are doing is kicking up a cloud of dust to intimidate, distract, and obscure the fact that the fabric of their con is unraveling and hanging by a thread.
These are tactics the liar and conman have assimilated from their spiritual father. We’re actually just seeing Satan’s tactics manifested through people under his influence.
Stay tuned …. Part Two is next week.

Robert Peck lives in Spokane Valley, Washington. As a Christian man who finds himself compelled to take a stand in the civil arena, Bob has served in political campaigns, promoted Constitutional education in the community, provides technical assistance to various Constitutional causes, and also manages to write the occasional article. He is an elder in ZChurch and a tech leader on the ZTeam.