Una Visita al Almacén de Dios
August 5, 2021
Turbo by JP Quaizon
August 5, 2021What if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything we need in this life comes to us?
What if In Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places?
What if God gives us the desires of our hearts when we spend time delighting in Him?
What if all things are possible because we believe the words and dreams He is speaking to our hearts?
What if we believe we receive what we ask for when we pray?
What if all the promises of God are Yes to us? What if we are allowed to believe them all, and we find their Amen, their So-Be-It in Christ?
When we first believe in our heart that Jesus is alive, that He is Lord, and we speak that truth, we are born into the kingdom of God. Our new life in Christ begins with a new birth into a new kingdom and a new family. We are new creations in Christ, we now have a new identity.
The Spirit of God begins to teach us who we are as we spend time in God’s Word and in the manifested presence of God. The Word of God instructs us to be renewed in the spirit of our minds … to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The past way of thinking we’ve had has to go! It is based on worldly wisdom, our good experiences, and our failures.
Through Isaiah the prophet, the Lord said,
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Our old, earthly way of thinking is not how God wants us to think or live. He has a new and living way for us in this new covenant. As we press into His Word and relationship with His Spirit, our mind, our thoughts begin changing. They’re being transformed by being renewed with God’s way of thinking and doing things. Our spirit man rises into ascendency, takes hold of His promises, believes Him completely, without doubt or hesitation. We aren’t tossed back and forth with doubt or unbelief because our spirit man believes and receives, and our mind is in agreement. We are new creations in Christ with the mind of Christ.
What if our life in Christ starts with a Yes, with a green light, to go forward believing and acting on God’s Word in the power of His Spirit, and we turn the world upside down?

Sharon Stark is a wife, a mother, and a follower of Christ. A member of the ZTeam, Sharon has co-pastored, assisted in pioneer works, and ministered in Africa and Mexico on short-term mission trips. She enjoys praying, singing, writing, painting, and learning something new every day.
Beautiful, Sharon! Doubt is ousted here
Pastor Sharon,
Thank you for this blog. As you know, like you, I’m an “In Him” person. Yes, that’s the area where we need to focus the renewal of our minds. The new man is a believing believer!
Sharon, I really lime how you started this! It really ministers! This is so good.