Beware of The Thieves of Blessings
April 12, 2022Codex Rex Series – Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part 18
And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. (Luke 6:12)
Jesus is rugged. He’s my kind of King. But a poor carpenter, He is not!
The concept of Jesus as a poor carpenter is a dangerous deception that lowers men’s expectations. Why is it dangerous? Because the servant is not greater than the master. (Jn 13:16)
If Jesus was a poor carpenter, then His servants could never expect to enjoy a better lifestyle than their master. They could never, in good conscious, rise above the status of a tradesman.
But you can rise further than you’ve ever expected. The bar has been raised from carpenter to King. You’re called to be a king and a priest. Still, that means we have a long way to go before we run the risk of surpassing Jesus (that can never happen). With this knowledge, let’s set our goals higher.
Religion has taught its devotees to accept poverty as the will of God. That’s why many associate wealth with wickedness. But, that’s just not true. Wickedness has no class distinctions.
Did Jesus’ wealth corrupt Him? No! Did having a grand home lift Him up in pride? Absolutely not! It is possible to be prosperous, and humble.
Jesus had a nice house. Why not you? He was wealthy. Why not you? You’re entitled to have nice things. Just take care not to come under bondage to anything. Choose, instead, to rule and reign in life, by Christ Jesus.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:0)
A close reading of John 10:10-13, in context, makes it obvious that Jesus was talking about hireling shepherds who are the thieves. Preachers who shy away from preaching the abundant life are robbing the sheep of blessings.
Parents should not tell their children to eat their food, because somewhere in the world, babies are starving. Children will grow up feeling guilty as if their abundance is creating a shortage somewhere in the world. Does that mean having two pairs of shoes causes someone to go barefoot?
In this world, poverty is a fact; but not because of lack. It’s because of greed and the unequal distribution of goods. Actually, there’s a surplus of wealth. There’s enough wealth for every human being on the planet to be a millionaire, a hundred times over. There’s more money than there are leaves on the trees!
We’re not in danger of running out of anything. Ninety-five percent of the world’s population lives on just ten percent of the landmass. We have enough resources in the planet to last eons. God created the earth to sustain us.
No, we are neither running out of money, nor space. What we have is a widespread ignorance of God’s economy. Most people are running low on faith and running low on ambition. We need to change that. Preachers, please stop preaching lack!
The same logic would say, breathe less air, so people won’t suffocate on the other side of the world.
That’s not how things work. A vow of poverty won’t put shoes on children’s feet; the blessings of God will:
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? (Luke 12:28)
Here’s a question for you: As a child, were you made to feel guilty about not eating all your food?
This blog is one of a series of excerpts of my manuscript called Codex Rex — The Book of the King. Your comments and questions will help me improve the manuscript before publication.

Larry Huggins is a father, a husband, a pastor and a missionary, an author, and a broadcaster. He has traveled to scores of nations, planting churches and bible schools, and conducting seminars and evangelistic crusades.
1 Comment
I don’t recall being made guilty as a child for not eating all my food but certainly more aware that lack existed outside my childish, self- centered perspective on life.
They could never, in good conscious (conscience)…