Miracle in Your Mouth
March 4, 2023
Open Up Your Heart to the Lord Strong and Mighty by Loretta Huggins
March 10, 2023I learned about the Pauline Revelation from Kenneth E. Hagin. I’m thankful for Brother Hagin’s faith teaching, but the “In Him” concepts I learned from him impacted my life the most.
From 1973-1978, I was Kenneth E. Hagin’s Art Director. My job was to design and help publish his magazines, books, and all printed products. That was better than Bible school. In fact, I was paid to attend the charter class of his Bible school. I also did my part behind the scenes to help launch the school. It was a spectacular time of spiritual growth in my life.
Those were exciting days. The Charismatic revival was still washing over the world, and the Word of Faith message began spreading across the country. I had begun preaching a few years earlier. I preached the messages that were burning in my heart: salvation, prayer, and the gifts of the Spirit.
I knew something about faith. I had already received several notable miracles by faith. But under Kenneth Hagin, I learned the mechanics of faith. However, that’s not what impacted my life the most. It was when he taught me who I am in Christ that my life changed dramatically.
Brother Hagin often said, “Read the Bible but feed on the New Testament epistles – especially the Pauline Epistles. They’re love letters to the church.” From him, I learned that an “In Him” scripture is a prepositional phrase that tells us something about who we are, what we have, and what we can do through our divine union with Christ.”
Of all his books, his smallest book influenced me the most – “In Him” (I helped publish it). Wow! He printed a few classic “In Him” scriptures and suggested that there may be 120-122 “In Him” Scriptures. That got me digging. Today, my list is 344 “In Him” scriptures, and growing!
Kenneth E. Hagin pointed me to the writings of E. W. Kenyon. “The Father and His Family,” “Two Kinds of Righteousness,” “New Creation Realities,” “Substitution,” “Two Kinds of Life,” “What Happened From the Cross to the Throne”… That became my graduate school. From Kenyon, I received the master key that unlocks all the mysteries of the New Testament – substitution and identification.
The study of the Pauline Revelation has been my focus for the past forty years. My list of “In Him” scripture has tripled in size. I’ll tell you a secret; every message I preach is an “In Him” message. Every utterance I give is an “In Him” prophecy. All my books are “In Him” books. It may not be on the title page, but it’s in my DNA.
You may not believe me when I say all bad doctrine comes from incomplete revelation of the New Creation. The same goes for false prophecies, spurious doctrines, and all fellowship problems – they all stem from ignorance of the revelation of Christ in You, the Hope of Glory.
I will always be grateful to Kenneth E. Hagin for pointing me to this path. If this path is for you, stay connected to ZChurch.
When I consider the great men and women of God who blessed me, I am humbled. Stay tuned for more “What I Learned…” blogs. If you want to tap into this legacy of blessings, sow into the anointing: https://zchurch.life/give

Larry Huggins is a father, a husband, a pastor and a missionary, an author, and a broadcaster. He has traveled to scores of nations, planting churches and bible schools, and conducting seminars and evangelistic crusades.