Join us this weekend
Join Pastors Larry and Loretta Huggins and an online community of believers for Church, Saturday 10 am (Pacific Time)
Church, at the speed of life.
Here at zChurch, we love Jesus, and love sharing the gospel. We invite you to meet with us every Saturday at 10 AM PST for a time of discussion, praise, and fellowship.
Join ZChurch in bringing water to the village of “Abundance of mercy” in Nigeria. Click here to learn more, or donate below.

Get Pastor Loretta's New Book

So many Christians walk through life unaware of the immeasurable power, irreplaceable kinship, and perfect guidance that is available to them through an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Loretta Huggins provides personal insights, practical applications and an in-depth study of the Scriptures that relate to the Holy Spirit and the vital role God intended Him to play in the lives of His children. You will discover a greater understanding of who the Holy Spirit is including His function and purpose, keys to developing a more personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, an awareness of how the Holy Spirit moves and works, and the knowledge of how to walk in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in every area of your life.
Available at: Amazon / Barnes & Noble /

Your Good Life
New creation Bible Institute
Coming soon!