While I Am Standing, Part One by Sabrina Calhoun
May 19, 2022The Normal Christian Life
May 21, 2022As I am standing through tough times, I write declarations of perseverance in poetry form. I pray this strengthens you as it does me.
Thriving Through
I will thrive through the pain
the disillusionment
the rain.
As I recover in the middle of the rubble of my plans
I realize
I can rebuild-
I still have hands
I still have faith
I still have grace
I still have laughter
As I pace this race.
I may have to rest
As I catch my breath
But I won’t shrink
I will lean tall
I’m growing strong
In the safety of God’s arms.
I will thrive
Because I am not alone.
© 2022, Sabrina Patrice Calhoun
“But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.”
– Romans 8:25 NLT

Love you, girl!
Beautiful testimony of faith, without which it is impossible to please God. You are the object of His constant attention Sabrina. As you pass through these waters He has promised that the flood would not overwhelm you! He also promised that He WILL perfect that which concerns you, and that includes every detail of what you are enduring. You are not alone in this battle but He is closer to you now than ever before! Rest in His Goodness.
My sentiments exactly! Sabrina you have expressed a universal truth. We all experience pain in so many levels in our lives. But to not waste our sorrows and learn how to be longsuffering with Christ in the midst of it all is indeed a work of grace in our lives.
We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us for the battle as we wait on Him and learn to lean fully on His Everlasting Arms that hold us securely.