
April 6, 2024

By the Will of God

ZChurch Message for April 6, 2024 (full service:    • By the Will of God  ) In this message, Pastor Loretta Huggins explores 1 Corinthians 1:30, 20th Century Translation – “Christ, by the […]
September 29, 2023

Bread of Life, Part Two by Loretta Huggins

"...just reading the Bible or attending church service, although very important, isn’t enough to transform our lives; we must act on and apply God’s Word to our daily lives to experience the transforming power of God."
September 1, 2023

Bread of Life, Part One by Loretta Huggins

"In John 6:63, Jesus Christ says, “…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” In other words, God’s words are not just a collection of letters and stories. God’s words are a living force that has the power to transform our lives:"
August 17, 2023

Following the Guidelines to Obtain Wisdom, Part One by Loretta Huggins

"In the above Scripture, it is the voice of a father giving instructions to his son. Before you or I have a mental disassociation with the scenario in the previous five verses, let us view the passage as God, our heavenly Father, speaking directly to us..."
August 11, 2023

My Niece by JP Quianzon

"it was my time to sing, I walked over to my niece and said, "I'm going to sing a song. Can you give me some pointers afterward and tell me how I do?" She gave me a thumbs up and nodded her head. While singing, I could see my niece off to the right, watching me intently and jumping up and down..."