March 22, 2023
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- 50 year anniversary
- a place for you
- abide
- abide in His shadow
- Absolved; acquitted; hell; justification; resurrection; righteousness; new creation; salvation
- abundance
- abundance; seed; sweat; toil; God's best; prosperity; freedom; increase; life; let the earth do the work; plant; sow; faith; rest
- abundant
- abundant life
- abundant life; joy; celebrate; elevate; give thanks; communication;
- acceptance; eternal life; faith; grace; kings; law; obedience; purpose; reign; righteous
- accepted
- accepted; beloved; amazing grace; righteousness; wisdom; sanctification; holy; redemption; abound; saving; I am what I am by the grace of God; forgiven; recompense; truth;
- accomplish
- acknowledge every good thing in us
- acknowledge people
- activate
- activates faith
- activates gift of faith
- active union with the Holy Ghost
- addictions
- adjustments
- advance
- advance through opposition
- advancing in the kingdom
- Agape
- Agape never fails
- agents of miracles
- agreement
- Aid
- ALecia Tashnick
- align
- all manner of grace
- always overcome
- Ambassador Huggins
- Ambassador Michael Bassett
- amplifies power
- Angel
- Angel Gabriel
- Angel of the Lord; Christmas; child; gift; giving; humble; Anna; Simeon; Mary; Joseph; shepherds; worship
- angelic activity
- angelic traffic
- angels
- Angels; fallen
- Angels; guardian
- Angels; messenger
- Angels; warring
- anointing
- anointing brings healing
- answers
- ark of safety
- Arrow
- Art
- ask in my name
- assembly
- assignment
- atonement
- attend to what He reveals
- attitude
- attitude of gratitude
- attracts blessings
- aurhority
- authentic
- Authority
- auto pilot
- autopilot
- avenge the elect
- awesome
- backslider
- banquests
- banquet
- baptism of the Holy Ghost
- Barbara Paul
- battle in the mind
- be available
- beautiful
- behold His glory
- beliefs
- believe
- believe and do not doubt
- believe God's promise
- believe in miracles
- believe INTO Him
- believe; report of the Lord; born of God; overcome; Loretta Huggins; deliverance
- Believer
- believers
- believing
- betrayal
- better covenant
- beware; thieves; blessings; hireling; preaching; Larry Huggins;
- bible
- bible study
- biblical attitude towards things
- BIG Thinker
- binding and loosing
- bishop
- Bishop Dick Bernal
- bitter fruit
- bitterness
- blessed
- blessing
- blessing and power of the tithe
- blessing of Abraham
- blessings
- blind
- Blood
- Blood of Christ
- blood of Jesus
- boat
- Body of Christ
- boldness
- Book of the King
- bounce back
- boundaries
- brain is chemist
- bravery
- Bread of Life
- break barriers
- bucket
- bucket list
- buckler
- Build yourself up
- built
- burden
- burden bearer
- call of God
- called
- calling
- Calvary
- capacitor
- caravan
- care
- Carpenter
- casting down imaginations
- casting out devils
- celebrate
- celebrate Jesus
- champion
- change
- chants
- character
- character of God's Word
- cheerful giver
- chemistry of the blood
- children
- children of light
- Chip Beaulieu
- choice
- choices
- Chris Holm
- Chris Holm-God's Grocery Store
- Chrisitne Smith
- Christ
- Christ formed in you
- Christ in you
- Christ Jesus
- Christine Smith
- Christine Smith-The Reverent Fear of the Lord
- Christmas
- church
- Cindy Bruni
- citizens of Heaven
- clarity
- clean heart
- cleanse
- clear communication
- cloaked
- closed-minded
- coach yourself
- Codex Rex
- coffee
- come and see
- comfort
- Comforter
- command
- commanding authority
- commanding miracles
- communicate certainty
- communication
- communion
- compassionate
- compensate
- compensate; home; hospitality; house; Jesus; Larry Huggins
- complaining
- complete
- compress
- concealed
- conceive
- conceive God's will
- confession
- confessions
- Confidence
- confidence toward God
- conformity to Christ
- connect
- connected
- connection
- connections
- conscience
- contend for the faith
- contend with adversaries
- content
- contentment
- context
- conviction
- core belief
- core beliefs
- core-beliefs
- coronavirus
- correct
- correction
- correction and direction
- corresponding action
- corresponding actions
- corruption
- counsel
- courage
- covenant
- create
- Created
- created things
- creation
- creative
- creative force
- creativity
- Creator
- Creator; divine; pattern; fearfully and wonderfully made; new creation; masterpiece; come behind in no gift; His poetry; God's image; seen the Father
- Cross
- Cross Out 2020
- Crossout
- crusade
- culture of honor
- cup of blessings
- cure
- cure for covetousness
- Cynthia Davis
- dad
- Dan Paul
- David and Goliath
- day
- death
- death and life
- death swallowed up (drained)
- debt
- deception
- decisions
- declarations
- decree
- deeply moved
- defense
- defense system
- Defining Moments
- deliverance
- Deliverer
- demonstration and power
- deposits
- depression
- desire
- desires
- desires of your heart
- destiny
- devil
- devotion
- diet
- direct instruction for you
- direction
- discern spirits
- discernment
- discipline
- divers tongues
- divine ability
- divine connection
- divine connections
- divine embrace
- divine fragrance
- divine influence
- divine intervention
- divine life
- divine nature
- divine protection
- divine union
- do not quit; precise Scriptures; it is written; contend for the faith; get back up; fight the good fight; you win
- do the works of God
- doctrines
- doer of the Word
- dominion
- dominion stewardship
- Don't Fear
- Don't look back
- donation
- door
- doorkeeper
- doorkeepers
- doors
- double portion
- double-mindedness
- doubt
- Dr. John Avanzini
- Dr. Sumrall
- draw near
- dream
- dreams
- dreams come true
- due season
- Dustin Noseworthy
- dwelling
- dwelling place
- earth
- earthen vessels
- ecstatic gushings of the heart
- ed Dufresne
- edification
- edify
- edify yourself
- efficacy of
- El Shaddai
- Elder Robert Peck
- elevate God's Word
- Elisha
- emotions
- encourage
- encourage yourself
- Encouragement
- encouraging
- endurance
- endure
- energize
- enjoy your salvation
- Entrance of Your Word; light; life; compassion; dark ages; darkness; restore; accountable; seed; water; tangible; germinate; harvest; plan; produce; speak
- enveloped with God's power
- equipping
- establish
- establish covenant
- eternal life
- eternity
- evangelistic tool
- evidence
- exceeding
- exchange
- exegesis
- expect to win
- expect what you say
- eyes of the heart
- Eyes of the Lord
- FAcebook Group
- faith
- faith failures
- faith for miracles
- faith in the faithfulness of God
- faith of Jesus
- faith works by love
- faith-servant
- Faith; authority; secrets; spiritual authority; obedience; functional authority; delegated authority; divine authority; Caleb; Joshua; Moses
- faith; environment; beauty; sight; immersed; think on these things; conceive
- faith; hearing; working of miracles; hearing of faith; ministry; Spirit; boldness; heal; signs; wonders; miracles;
- faithful
- faithfulness
- false prophets
- family
- family life
- far above for all time
- father
- Father God
- father in the faith
- father's heart
- Father's Day
- favor
- favor eclipse
- favor; help; prevent; arrogance; humility; Joseph; kindness; listening; righteousness; thankful; joy; graciousness; evangelism
- fear
- fear of success
- fear of the Lord
- fearfully and wonderfully made
- fearof God
- feast
- feedback loop
- feeling
- Feelings
- fellowship
- female
- fight the good fight
- filled with glory
- filled with the Holy Ghost
- financial miracles
- finish the race
- fire of God
- first fruit
- first responders
- fishing; miracles; adjustments; hear; obey; instruction; rhema word; launch out; serve; blessings; results
- flee
- fluid of life
- focus
- focused faith
- follow
- food
- fool
- foolishness
- fools
- forgive
- forgive by faith
- forgiven
- forgiveness
- fortress
- foundation
- four seasons
- Four Seasons Life Management System; seasons; restoration; new beginnings; cultivate; harvest; farmer; order; goals; life;
- fragment of information
- frame
- framing
- fraud
- free will
- freedom
- friend
- friends
- fruit
- fruit of the Spirit
- fullness
- fully convinced
- function
- fundamental
- Gale Gallamore
- Gale Gallemore
- gaze
- generation
- Generation Z
- generator
- generosity
- generous
- gentleness
- germinate
- get up
- gift
- gift of faith
- gift of the Holy Spirit
- gifts
- gifts of the Spirit
- give
- give a good word
- give it away!
- giver
- giving
- giving and receiving
- giving thanks
- giving thanks well
- glorious
- glory
- goals
- God
- God is in control
- God kind of faith
- God robber
- God stepping in
- God talk-praying in tongues
- God's faithfulness
- God's love
- God's Word
- God'sWord
- God's DNA
- God's nature
- God-class being
- GodsWord
- going through
- good fight
- good fruit
- Good Life; faith; freedom; prosperity; abundance; increase; debt free; anointed; abundant life; word of God
- good works
- goodness
- gospel
- Gospel of Paul
- Gospel of Paul; grace
- Gospel of Paul; grace;
- Gospel of Paul; grace; gifts of the Spirit; church order
- grace
- grace always expanding
- grace more than enough
- grace to be you
- grace; life; goodness; overflow; anointing; righteousness; covered; planting of the Lord;
- grateful
- gratitude
- great calm
- great exchange
- greater works
- groaning in the spirit
- groanings of the heart
- guard
- guidance
- guilt free
- Halloween
- happy
- happy motoring
- happy place
- harvest
- harvest celebration
- Harvest; miracle; good life; sowing; reaping; faith; abundance; prosperity; seed; time; freedom; increase; anointed; word of God; expect
- Harvest; miracle; prosperity; abundance; your good life
- harvest; miracle; prosperity; abundance; your good life; Jesus' house; mansion; palace
- have what you say
- He became poor that we might be rich
- He whom God has helped
- healed
- healing
- health
- hear a sound
- hear God's voice
- hearing
- heart
- heaven
- Heavenly bank account
- heavenly language
- heavenly places
- Helen Ivicevich
- help
- help others get their miracle
- Helper
- helping
- helping others
- heritage
- Herod
- hidden man of the heart
- hiding place
- His calling
- His fullness
- His workmanship
- hold together
- hole
- holy
- Holy Ghost
- holy money
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit-person-power-presence
- Holy Spirit; language; search; searcher; pray in the Spirit; tongues; harness; power
- HolySpirit
- home
- home church
- honor
- honor God; good pleasure; give you His kingdom; tithes; offerings; increase; abundance; plant; harvest; seed; expect;
- honor the Lord
- honoring God
- hope
- hope of glory
- hopes
- hospitality
- hospitatlity
- hound from Heaven
- house
- house; Jesus; Larry Huggins
- houses and land
- hover
- how much more
- humbled Himself; death
- humility
- hymns
- I AM
- ideas
- identification
- identify
- identify with Christ
- identity
- idol worship
- idolatry
- illumination
- image
- image of Christ
- image-building
- imagination
- imaginations
- imagine
- imitators
- imitators of Christ
- immersed
- immortal you is a God class being
- impart
- impartation
- impartations
- important
- impossible
- impregnated
- improves immune system
- in Christ
- In Christ Devotions
- In Christ realities
- In Him
- In Him truths
- in His position
- in the Anointed One
- increase
- increase in favor
- increase in wisdom and favor
- increase of deception
- indwelling
- infinite expressions
- infinitely more
- influence
- inheritance
- inner thoughts
- inquire of the Lord
- inspiration
- inspire faith
- inspire miracles
- instruction
- instrument
- integrity
- intelligent designer
- intentional
- interact with God
- intercession
- intervention of God
- intimacy
- intimacy with Holy Spirit
- intimate
- intimate association
- intimate contact and transfer
- investment
- invisible
- involving future generations
- Javier Berendson
- Jeffrey Conte
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus is the door
- Jesus Messiah
- Jesus our victory
- Jesus' house
- Jesus' house; mansion; palace
- jJP Quianzon
- John Bruni
- Jonah
- Joseph
- Joseph Quaizon-Say What We Watch
- Joseph Quianzon
- joy
- Joy Conte
- joy of the Lord
- joy that never ends
- Joy; full of glory; unspeakable; anointed; happy; laugh; for the joy set before him; count it all joy; strength; dance; good cheer; overcome the world; grand and glorious style;
- JP Quianson
- JP Quianzon
- JP Quiazon
- judge
- judge God faithful
- judgment
- Julie Paul
- justification
- justification; obedience
- justified
- Kasper van Steveninck
- Katherine Ryan
- keep your eyes on Jesus
- key
- key cities
- keys; unlock; harvest; miracle; good life; sowing; reaping; faith; abundance; prosperity; seed; time; freedom; debt free; increase; anointed; word of God; expect
- kindness
- King
- King of Glory
- King of kings
- kingdom
- Kingdom authority
- kingdom first
- kingdom of God
- kingdomofGod
- kingdoms
- kings
- Kings EMbassy
- know the truth
- know your call
- know-say-do
- knowing
- knowing who you are in Christ
- knowledge
- knowledge of God
- language of faith
- Larry Huggins
- larryhuggins
- last days
- laughing
- law
- law of love
- leadership
- leaks
- learning
- led by the Spirit
- legacy
- legal right
- lessons
- let not your heart be troubled
- letting go of offenses
- liar
- liberty
- lies
- life
- life lesson
- life of prayer
- life/death
- lifespan
- lifestyle of Jesus
- light
- likeness
- limitless
- liquid life
- liquid light
- liquid love
- listen
- listen to the Rhema word
- listening
- Live
- live in your today
- live life
- living free
- living stones
- living water
- LM Huggins
- logos becomes rhema
- long life
- longevity
- Lord of Hosts
- Lord of the armies
- Loretta Huggins
- Loretta Hugguns
- loud crying
- love
- love at work
- love letters to the church
- love of Christ
- love of God
- love the Truth
- love unconditional
- love; gifts of the Spirit; foolproof; flow; accurately; gifts of love
- love; marriage; testimony; Dr. John Avanzini clip
- Love; value; devotion; treasure; faithful allegiance; keep my commandments; serve; first love; emotionalism; forgiveness; Robert Peck
- lust
- manifestation
- mansion
- many rooms
- March of miracles; hearing; laying on of hands; rhema word; faith; spirit; boldness; signs; wonders;
- March of miracles; hearing; laying on of hands; rhema word; faith; spirit; boldness; signs; wonders; winds of change; treasuries of Heaven; peace; grace; healing
- March of Miracles; instantaneous; immediately; faith; healing; expect;
- marginal gains
- Maria Hostettler
- Maria Rosado Sanchez
- Maria Sanchez
- Mary Ann Berendson
- masterpiece
- maturity
- measure of faith
- mediator
- meditate
- meditate and speak the Word
- meditation
- mentor
- mentors
- mercies
- merciful
- Mercy
- mess up
- messengers
- Messiah
- metaphors
- Mexico
- might
- military
- mind of Christ
- mind of God
- mindset
- Ministry
- Ministry of helps
- Miracle
- miracle mode eyes
- miracle mode speaking
- Miracle of mending a broken heart
- miracle power
- miracle prayer language
- miracles
- miraculous power
- mishandled offering
- miss the mark
- missing the mark
- mission field
- mix
- more than conquerors
- more than enough
- most holy faith
- Mother's day message
- motives
- mouth
- movement of the heart
- music
- mustard seed
- mustard seed faith
- mutter
- name
- name above all names
- Name of Jesus
- name yourself
- natural pain killer
- negative
- negative emotions
- never quit
- new covenant
- new creation
- new creation realities
- new doors
- new life
- New Testament organization
- Nimrod-against God
- no limits
- not appointed to wrath
- obedience
- obstacles
- offended
- offensive
- offering
- offerings
- oil of gladness
- one on one
- one with Christ
- online
- online church
- open the windows of heaven
- organize
- origin of evil
- out of body experiences
- overcome
- overcomer
- overcoming
- overflowing
- overshadow
- overwhelm the enemy
- painting
- palace
- passion
- passionate
- Pastor Dick Bernal
- Pastor Larry
- Pastor Loretta
- Pastor Loretta & Pastor Larry
- Pastor Loretta Huggins
- Pastor Loretta Huggins; treasure
- Pastor Sharon Stark
- pastoring supernaturally
- path
- patience
- pattern
- Paula Flood
- Pauline Epistles
- Pauline revelation
- peace
- pedigree
- perceive
- perfect love
- perfect---mend
- perfection
- persecution
- perseverance
- persevere
- perspective
- persuaded
- pillars
- place of rest
- plans
- planting
- plenty of grace
- poetry
- position
- position in Christ
- positive
- Positivity
- possessions
- post resurrection
- potential
- Power
- power at work in us
- power in your tongue
- power of Amen
- power of authority
- power of confession
- power of God
- power of the tongue
- power of words
- power to conduct Kingdom business
- power to use His authority
- powerful
- praise
- praise and worship
- praising
- pray
- pray for others
- pray in the Holy Ghost
- pray in tongues
- pray-hear-obey
- prayer
- prayer language
- prayer of faith
- Prayers
- praying
- praying in tongues
- preach
- Preaching
- preparation
- prepare
- preparing for end times
- presence
- presence of God
- presumption
- priests
- principles
- prior usage
- prioritize the Holy Ghost
- procrastination
- prolonged performance
- promise
- Promises
- promises of God
- proof
- prophecies
- Prophecy
- prophecy fulfilled
- prophet
- prophet's ministry
- prophet's reward
- Prophet's House
- prophetic
- prophets reward
- prosper
- prosperity
- protection
- Protection; pact; angels; tithe; blessing; honor
- prove
- prove the Lord
- proverbs
- provide
- provision
- Psalm 91
- PTVN Miracle Hour
- published
- purpose
- pursue
- pursuit
- put a demand on the anointing
- qualified
- quality
- question
- questions
- quicken
- quiets your mind
- Raging flood tide
- rain
- rapture
- re-creators
- receive
- receive continually and repeatedly
- Receive Miracle Faith Now
- receive power
- receiving
- recompense
- reconciled to God
- recover all
- redeem the time
- redeemed
- redeemed from the curse
- Refreshing
- refuge
- reign in life
- reigning
- reigning in life
- rejoice
- relationship
- relationship with the Father
- religion
- remember
- Remember Lot's wife
- renew mind
- renewed
- renewed mind
- renewing your mind
- repair
- repent
- repent fast
- repentance
- repetition
- repetition attention
- reposition and adjust
- resentment
- reset
- reset 2025
- resetting triggers
- responsibility
- rest
- resting places
- Resurrection power & letters
- revelation
- revelation gifts
- revelation light
- revelation of power
- revelatory gift
- reverence
- reverential fear
- revival
- reward
- Rewarder
- rewards
- rewires your brain
- rhema miracle word
- rhema word
- rhythm of life
- rhythms
- rich
- righteous
- righteous indignation
- righteousness
- rightly divide
- rivers of living water
- Robert Peck
- role model
- rule
- rule and reign
- rule and reign in life
- rule as a king
- rule over the devil
- Sabirna Calhoun
- Sabrina Calhoun
- sacrifce
- sacrifice
- safe
- safe place
- safety
- salvation
- Satan
- satisfaction
- saturated
- saved
- Savior
- scripture
- scriptures
- seated with Christ
- secret for power
- secret place
- see
- See Part 1 Sin Knowing The Truth About It Will Set You Free 6/10/23
- seed
- seed of Abraham
- seed time and harvest
- seed-time-harvest
- seedtime
- self-acceptance
- self-inspection
- self-limiting behavior
- selfless
- servant
- servant of all
- serve
- serve the Lord
- Serving
- serving God
- serving somebody
- setpoints
- settle
- shalom
- shame
- shared favor
- sharing
- Sharon Stark
- shelter
- shepherd
- ship
- showers of blessing
- sickness
- signs and wonders
- sin
- sin abolished
- sin-consciousness
- sing
- singing
- singing in the spirit
- singing praise
- singleness of purpose
- situational awareness
- skyball
- son
- Son of God
- song
- songs
- soul
- soul winner
- sound doctrine
- sound together
- source of miracle power
- sow
- sowing
- sowing and reaping
- speak
- Speak favor
- speak the Word
- speak the Word only
- speak to the mountain
- speak to your faith
- speak to yourself
- speak truth in love
- Speaking
- speaking in tongues
- special recipe
- specialized detail
- specific fragment of information
- specific instruction
- specific word
- specific word for a specific time
- spectators
- speech
- Spirit and the Word
- Spirit of life
- Spirit of Truth
- spirit realm
- Spirit-inspired songs
- spiritual
- spiritual gifts
- spiritual growth
- spiritual pride
- spiritual songs
- spiritual thermostat
- spiritual womb
- spiritually blind
- spring cleaning
- St.Paul
- stable
- stand
- stand our ground
- stars
- statistical data
- stay in the boat
- stay in the race
- Steve Chen
- Steve Watanabe
- stewardship
- stickler for the Word of God
- storm
- storms of guilt
- story
- strategy
- strength
- strengthen
- strong and mighty
- strong man
- strongholds
- study
- stumbling block
- subconcious thinking
- submission
- submission v. agreement
- substitution
- substitutionary sacrifice
- substitutionary sacrifice of Christ
- success
- sufficient grace
- suit up
- suitable environment
- suitable place to win
- summons
- super power
- supernatural
- Supernatural church
- supernatural connection
- supernatural connections
- supernatural glory
- superpower
- supply
- support
- supreme power
- surprises
- survive
- talents
- talk faith
- tangible anointing
- teach
- Teacher
- Teaching
- telling
- Temptations
- Terri Branham
- test
- testimonies
- testimony
- tests
- tests and trials
- thankful
- thankfulness
- thanksgiving
- The church that Paul built
- the Great Physician
- The Lazarus Factor
- The Miracle Hour
- the tongue
- think
- think act become
- thought challenges
- thoughts
- thrive
- Throne
- Tim Christensen
- time
- time bandits
- timing
- tithe
- tithes
- tithing
- tithing is freedom
- together
- tongue
- tongues
- tongues and interpretation
- tongues is easy
- tools
- touch a life
- traditional thinking
- training
- transfer
- Transformed
- transforms
- treasure
- tree of life
- trials
- tribute
- tribute to Bill Huggins
- triumph
- Triumphant
- trust
- truth
- unbelief
- unconditional love
- understanding
- Understanding Sin
- unforgiveness
- unfulfilled
- unified speech
- union with Christ
- unique
- unlimited thinking
- Unmovable force
- unspeakable confidence
- unteachable
- upgrade
- urban missions
- Urbanite
- value
- value your words
- values
- vantage point
- veracity of God's Word
- victory
- virgin
- Virgin birth
- vision
- vision of success
- visualize
- vow power
- walk circumspectly
- walk in love
- walk in the Spirit
- walking in authority
- watch
- wave upon wave of grace
- wealth
- weapon
- weapon of light
- weapons
- welcome
- well-being
- whale
- wildest dreams
- will of God
- winner
- winning
- winning edge
- wisdom
- wisdom of God
- wise
- withdrawals
- without a share
- witness
- witness of the Holy Spirit
- wolves
- womensoutreach
- wooed and pursued
- word
- Word and Spirit
- word of God
- Word of Knowledge
- Word of Wisdom
- wordplay
- words
- words have power
- words produce
- work
- work of the Lord
- work together
- works of the flesh
- world missions
- worry
- worship
- wounded spirit
- write
- write the vision
- writing
- yes and amen
- yielding to the Holy Spirit
- you
- you have what you say
- your happy place
- your words
- ZChurch
- Zoe
- Zoe life