
March 5, 2021

Through by Sabrina Calhoun

I would lay on our hardwood floor in front of the record player for what seemed like hours listening to and singing the songs. Over the years, I have noticed that some of those same songs still play in the background of my mind during difficult times in my life.
February 27, 2021

Unshakable Faith

ZChurch Service for February 27, 2021 Five power scriptures that will empower you for service unto God and make you successful in life.John 3:16 For God […]
November 26, 2020

Grace-a-fication: Shields Up, Captain! by Loretta Huggins

"The Apostle of Grace, Paul, taught grace: he used the word grace more than one hundred times in his epistles. Paul depended on grace, entirely. Paul tells the Corinthians that while in Asia, he faced more trouble than he could handle, even to the point that he despaired of life. And he admits that in desperation, he begged God to relieve him from the attacks of the enemy. And Jesus Christ's response to his prayer is quite interesting..."
October 28, 2020

Prayer Basics by Sharon Stark

We may often find ourselves petitioning God in prayer, but several different kinds of prayer are mentioned in the Bible. Ephesians 6:18 instructs us, "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit… ". The DLNT translation says," Praying with every-kind-of prayer and petition at every opportunity in the Spirit…".
October 5, 2020

God’s Plan Shall Go Forth by Steve Watanabe

Instead of asking, "God, where are you in all this?" We need to rely on Him and His word: "For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock" (Psalms 27:5 NIV)