
December 6, 2021

Christ in You by Sharon Stark

"I have pondered the events that happened to Mary, Jesus’ mother, leading up to His birth. I can’t help but see a parallel for all believers. Mary was to carry Christ in her womb, a foreshadowing of what was to happen to every believer. Christ would come to dwell in us – Christ in you, the hope of glory."
September 4, 2021

The Arrow of Faith

ZChurch message for September 4, 2021 (full service here: Faith has a direction. The question is which way the arrow of your faith is going. […]
August 12, 2021

Healing is the Natural Effect of the Creator by Robert Peck

"I believe the Spirit prompted me in that moment to realize that supernatural healing is the most natural thing there is. It's what happens by nature whenever the Creator is allowed to come in contact with His creation."
July 21, 2021

APPROVED! by Chris Holm

"You may have noticed no effort was required on your part in becoming righteous. It’s a gift. Quit trying so hard to get God’s attention by trying to establish your own righteousness and begin, once again, to enjoy the unbearable lightness of His Grace."
July 10, 2021

The Mixmaster Miracle Maker

ZChurch Message for July 10, 2021 (see full service at Mixing faith with the Word of God and mixing up a miracle in your life. […]
May 19, 2021

Lies Against Repentance by Maria Hostettler

"God’s Word records wonderful encounters with true repentance and God’s attitude about it. One is the woman caught in adultery, trapped, cornered in John 8:1-11. This one shows God is not as concerned about what you did or how many know about it but that you turn around and away from it."