"... a voice inside of me said, “If you don’t get your act together, you’re going to be a loser.” Then I remember this overwhelming feeling of strength welled up inside of me."
"What if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything we need in this life comes to us?
What if In Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places?"
"I started walking around my house despite the pain and declared healing over myself and that my hope was not in a supplement but in my God. I determined that this was going to be a good day no matter what my circumstances were."
While we may fall short many times, God’s faithfulness in the process of polishing us never diminishes. With great care, He draws us in closely, concealing us in His quiver while removing all unevenness and any cause for imbalance, a lifetime process with highly effective results.