
July 29, 2021

I Love The Father by Joy Conte

"The Wisdom from the Father, also known as the Spirit of Wisdom (Isaiah 11:2), leads us in the right direction and makes the right decisions in our life. The Bible says that Words of Wisdom are life to our soul that we should always wear around our neck."
July 5, 2021

Press In To Hear by Christine Smith

"When you are going through a storm, you want to be able to hear God's voice. When there are distractions, harrassments and hindrances going on, you can't get quiet before Him unless you make an effort, unless you truly press in to hear what the Father is saying and get quiet before Him."
May 19, 2021

Lies Against Repentance by Maria Hostettler

"God’s Word records wonderful encounters with true repentance and God’s attitude about it. One is the woman caught in adultery, trapped, cornered in John 8:1-11. This one shows God is not as concerned about what you did or how many know about it but that you turn around and away from it."
April 2, 2021

I Hear The Rain by Sabrina Calhoun

I was despondent as I sat by the window sill, and I could hear the rain softly falling in the night. And I felt a deep need to capture that moment and express my pain through writing. So, without even knowing I could write poetry, I wrote...