
Articles and vlogs by our pastors and ZTeam members.

October 2, 2020

Target Cards by JP Quianzon

I pulled my phone out, searched for the passage and said to him, "Man, you are never going to believe this- but I was listening to God's Word today and the passage that jumped out at me addresses your story perfectly. Read it for yourself."
September 24, 2020

It’s Time To Sing by Sharon Stark

Singing stimulates our right temporal lobe, which releases endorphins that stir up our creativity; this gets us out of the left analytical, processing side of our brain... Singing puts us literally in our right mind - making us happier, healthier, and less anxious.
September 18, 2020

See the Invisible, Do the Impossible by Dustin Noseworthy

We speak God's truth and imagine His truth in our lives, which releases the power of God in our lives. To the degree we imagine and speak the Word in our lives is the degree to which the power of God and His Kingdom will manifest in our lives....