"Pour over the will of God. Discover everything that the last will and testament of Jesus Christ has guaranteed you. Place a demand upon your inheritance, by faith, and live within your rights and privileges."
"Religion says, if you like nice things or have good taste, that you’re being materialistic. Wrong again. Having things is not materialism. Materialism is using a physical thing to satisfy a spiritual or emotional need."
"Jesus didn't sin. He had to be in faith. Therefore, He was clothed well. If He wasn't clothed well, then He didn't live in the promise, and if He didn't live in the promise, then He didn't fulfill the Word."
"Jesus had a nice house. Why not you? He was wealthy. Why not you? You’re entitled to have nice things. Just take care not to come under bondage to anything. Choose, instead, to rule and reign in life, by Christ Jesus."
"Jesus was at home in a palace or under the stars. We have, at least, two records of Jesus sleeping outdoors. I’m sure He did it often. But, He did that by choice, not because He was homeless."