
Articles and vlogs by our pastors and ZTeam members.

March 7, 2022

Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part Eight by Larry Huggins

"Jesus made His home in Capernaum, not Nazareth. Why refer to Him as a carpenter from Nazareth? That’s inaccurate. It would be more accurate to call Him the Prince from Galilee, or the King-in-waiting who lived in a great house in Capernaum. "
March 2, 2022

Jesus Was Not Homeless, Part Seven by Larry Huggins

"I find it strange that people refer to Jesus as the Carpenter from Nazareth. That’s unfair; we don’t call the Apostle Paul the Tentmaker from Tarsus! I once worked on a sheep ranch in Texas, but people don’t call me the shepherd from Val Verde."