
Articles and vlogs by our pastors and ZTeam members.

June 3, 2021

The Gospel Is Good News by Jeffrey Conte

"The Holy Spirit will fall on you, and the evidence will pour out of your innermost being. You will pray in unknown languages, you will heal the sick, you will cast out evil spirits, you will prophesy the words of God, and you will love one another and forgive your enemies."
May 19, 2021

Lies Against Repentance by Maria Hostettler

"God’s Word records wonderful encounters with true repentance and God’s attitude about it. One is the woman caught in adultery, trapped, cornered in John 8:1-11. This one shows God is not as concerned about what you did or how many know about it but that you turn around and away from it."
May 13, 2021

Following The Light by Terri Branham

"Look how bright the light is here! We have a better covenant. Delivered, translated into His kingdom of light! God made us fit to partake of His kingdom with the saints in light. Through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, we’ve been delivered from darkness..."
May 6, 2021

A Matter of Perspective by Sabrina Calhoun

"The day that Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den can be considered a bad day. However, when God shut the mouths of the lions and Daniel survived, it became a good day. In fact, that day, Daniel became the center of one of the greatest and well-known miracles of all time."