"We can trace the modern Pentecostal revival from Topeka to Houston. However, it was on Azusa Street in Los Angeles that it became a world-changing awakening."
"...With that being stated, the first kind of fool that Proverbs identifies is the unteachable—people who are closed-minded and refuse to learn from others."
"I strongly emphasize that wisdom and discipline are critical components in the acquisition of knowledge and making of wise decisions, and the rejection of those elements in one’s life can lead to many sorrows."
"Worshiping God is the first step towards acquiring this type of knowledge and wisdom. The fear of the Lord mentioned in verse seven does not refer to fear in the sense of danger or punishment but rather deep respect and reverence for God’s power and authority."
"... A vivid description of the God of all grace. It is powerful and symbolic, extolling the glory of God and the reverence that is due to Him. The Psalm calls on the gates and ancient doors to be opened wide to receive the King of glory."
"... under Kenneth Hagin, I learned the mechanics of faith. However, that’s not what impacted my life the most. It was when he taught me who I am in Christ that my life changed dramatically."
"...1 Peter 5:10 speaks of the one and only God of all grace. He is powerful and compassionate. He has called us to His eternal glory through Christ Jesus. He gives His grace freely for our safety, our vocation, and for living a good life."
"As we learn and grow in wisdom, we are obligated to seek even more godly guidance and instruction – even if we think we possess some level of understanding."