"Jesus didn't sin. He had to be in faith. Therefore, He was clothed well. If He wasn't clothed well, then He didn't live in the promise, and if He didn't live in the promise, then He didn't fulfill the Word."
"Jesus had a nice house. Why not you? He was wealthy. Why not you? You’re entitled to have nice things. Just take care not to come under bondage to anything. Choose, instead, to rule and reign in life, by Christ Jesus."
"Jesus was at home in a palace or under the stars. We have, at least, two records of Jesus sleeping outdoors. I’m sure He did it often. But, He did that by choice, not because He was homeless."
When He was away from His seaside villa in Galilee, He slept where he could -- on boats, in the mountains, and in the desert. But those were the exceptions. As a rule, he slept in the best homes."
"He also knew that on some mornings, I would feel dark. So through knowledge, I have learned how to chase the darkness away so that the light can shine brightly in my life."