"Again, in Proverbs 26:17, wordplay uses the image of grabbing a stray dog by the ears to describe the foolishness of getting involved in matters that don’t concern you. One real-life example of this proverb can be seen in workplace conflicts."
¿Estás siendo continuamente lleno del Espíritu Santo? ¿Está usted bautizado con el Espíritu Santo? Únase a nosotros este y todos los jueves a las 6 p. […]
"Wordplay is another rhetorical device used in the Book of Proverbs. What is wordplay? It is the clever and witty use of words and meanings, which involves other literary devices and techniques..."
¡El pastor Larry reveló la #FórmulaMilagrosa más extrema para maximizar el éxito, minimizar el fracaso, y abrir el camino hacia la #BuenaVida! Únase a Alcance para […]
"The phrase “A word fitly spoken…” is significantly important in communication and interpersonal relationships. It implies that the way we communicate, including the words we choose, the tone we use, and the timing of our communication, can profoundly impact our interactions with others."