"God will liberally supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory. He gives us peace,
He gives us joy, He gives us wisdom, He gives us answers...."
"According to the Word of God, as children of God, we deserve the best, as stated in John 10:10, “…life in its fullness…,” and in Colossians 1:12, “…your hearts will soar because God made you to deserve the good life.”"
"One of the main reasons wisdom is often portrayed as a female in the book of Proverbs is the cultural association of women with qualities such as nurturing, guidance, and intuition."
Este sábado, el pastor Larry ministró el tema “Restablecimiento de puntos de ajuste: desbloquea tu potencial”. ¡No se pierda esta oportunidad de aprender a reescribir su […]
Este sábado, el pastor Larry ministró el tema “Restablecimiento de puntos de ajuste: desbloquea tu potencial”. ¡No se pierda esta oportunidad de aprender a reescribir su […]
"The phrase, “…they [our instructions] are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck,” is the father’s comparison to an athlete being crowned with a laurel symbolizing his victorious accomplishment."