1 Pedro 5:10 ofrece esperanza a quienes enfrentan desafíos, decepciones o se sienten sin esperanza, recordándonos que la gracia de Dios nos restaurará, fortalecerá y establecerá. […]
"As we learn and grow in wisdom, we are obligated to seek even more godly guidance and instruction – even if we think we possess some level of understanding."
No se ofenda cuando compartamos el mensaje que el pastor Larry trajo este sábado pasado. Dios quiere bendecir a los descarriados con riquezas sin medida, independientemente […]
"The Passion Translation of Proverbs 1:5-6 is a warm invitation to live a fulfilled life. “Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those who understand receive guidance and grow in understanding. For gaining wisdom is the path to life, and wisdom itself provides a foundation of security.”
\”¿Qué ves?\” es el título traducido del mensaje para nuestro servicio principal de ZChurch este pasado sábado 11 de febrero, cuando la pastora asociada Sharon Stark […]
"God told Abraham the answer would come when Abraham gave a unique, sacrificial offering. God was specific about the offering, and it required obedience and sacrifice."
"Remembering that we are social beings, the instruction of Proverbs 1:3-4 is the cornerstone of our relationship with each other, as well as with God."
¡Descubra la clave para desbloquear un aumento significativo de la actividad angelical en su vida! No se pierda esta rara oportunidad. Únase a nosotros a través […]